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You’re Learning That Habit The Wrong Way


Guess what!!! I would rather lie in my couch, sip a cup of fresh homemade pineapple juice, and surf the web (for nothing informative at all) all day long, and repeat same the next day and the day after, on and on. What does that leave me? Zilch!


Gerald is a Youtuber, he started YouTube June 2017, he just got monetized in 2020 with 1,203 subscribers after 3 years on YouTube. He’s been growing ever so slowly. He lacks determination. He has a friend; Kelly who he influenced into starting a YouTube channel as well, Kelly started a year after Gerald, but Kelly was monetized in 2019 and now he has over 100,000 followers. 
Gerald was a bit upset at the progress of Kelly that seemed to fade out his effort. so he decided to ask Kelly how he got that much subscribers, and Kelly told him of his arduous effort. 

To that effect, Gerald made a decision to change his habit. He’s been someone to let anything go, he wasn’t determined enough, or maybe he was but he wasn’t acting it out enough. 

Gerald changed his YouTube habit to uploading thrice weekly as Kelly taught him, it was a hard grind, he fell at some point, but he still kept at it and now Gerald has up to 300,000 subscribers and earns a whopping sum from it, just with a change of habit. 

So much a time we wish to be someone better, to do something better, to make better choices, name it! But we just don’t put in the work to achieve that. It’s not like we don’t want to put in the work, but this thing called "Good Habit" is like rocket science. It’s freaking hard to adopt.

Have you noticed that the more you strive to maintain a certain habit the less difficult it gets overtime to maintain such habit. It’s Called *Momentum*. 

Gathering the momentum at the earliest stage is somewhat synonymous to lifting a 20kg weight, that’s HARD! Wait what! well maybe some people actually do lift that weight but for someone as lazy as me, that’s a whole lot, deal with it. *sips Juice*. You get my point? Okay, let’s continue.

So when you’ve been able to pass that tedious phase, it gets a lot easier... scrap that! It gets a lot less tedious afterwords. 

So, How Do You Start To Develop A Habit 

1. Decision. 

This is the first stage, you need to have made a resolve within yourself to see a change with this new habit.

You have to be determined to develop this habit. It starts from your mind. know what habit you want to develop and how that habit would change your life in the long run. It’s very necessary to write it somewhere this helps you stay focused. If you want to see a change in your weight then write this. 

RESULT: I want to lose 5kg this month

HABIT: I would Exercise daily and watch my calorie intake

2. Set The Stage 

Put everything in place to help you to achieve that habit change. Some habit need you to get some paraphernalia to aid for it’s development. 

Say you want to gain a new habit of studying at wee hours, then get an alarm clock, (the one that can wake up a dead man 'cos I sure do know you sleep deep *smirks), get a study lamp, table and chair and any other thing you deem necessary for that habit change. Then..., 

3. Start!!! 

This is the next stage, you have made the decision to see a change in your life through the adoption of a new healthy habit, you have bought and/or set aside the necessary things you would be needing to aid for that habit change, okay what next..? "Then START ALREADY! What are you waiting for 'tho?" Lol. 

Here is where the implementation starts proper. If you want to develop a habit of studying then start studying. Take that leap.

 4. Consistency. 

This thing called consistency seems to be in the black book of most people. It’s a scary word. You may think; "It’s herculean to stay consistent for a short while, let alone staying consistent for longer periods". I get you dear, maybe we’re twin 'cos we think alike. We just have to do it, we have to.

You can stay consistent by keeping at same action for the longest time possible till you achieve the result you’re seeking for. It could connote Being regular; always showing up; even when you’re tired or don’t feel like it, just grind a little further, you’ll be glad you did. Sometimes you may be too tired or less motivated to act on that habit, that’s fine! Don’t kill yourself when you seem to be retrogressing, just try not to relapse for too long. Bounce back on your feet and start from where you stopped.

 5. Find People That Motivates You 

when you walk alone, the journey seems really long, but when you walk same miles with someone, does it baffle you that the journey tends to appear shorter. 

Whatever habit you’re trying to hone, try to move with someone of like mind. You could wish to develop the habit of working out daily, then get into a group of people you could go jogging around the Estate with. It’s simple. "Iron sharpeneth Iron"

6. Keep Track Of Your Progress. 

In the first step, I told you to make a decision as to what impact the habit would make in your life; is it a habit to help you pass an exam, or a habit to make you more income.? 

Whatever it is, keep track of how you are gradually achieving that result on periodic intervals. Better yet, Make pictorial or written documentation of your progress. That’s why Journaling is imperative. Check out my article on journalling. 

7. Get An Expensive Champagne For Yourself. 

Woooohooooo!! Now you have successfully persevered and stayed consistent, even when you reclined_ you bounced back up stronger. wow! And here you are, having the result of what you set to achieve in the first place (Pls allow me the fun of kidding myself that you’ve achieved the result, I know you haven’t moved an inch since you started reading my rant *winks), then what next? Hit the supermarket and take yourself on an expensive treat, please don’t break the bank in the process though, You know what I mean. Give yourself all the accolade, you know why? Because you deserve it, you’ve worked for it and you’ve achieved it. 


You want to make that change? Then start by changing your habit. It takes on average a period of 60 days for a habit to be formed. But before then it’s an arduous grind. Keep keeping on, just start and stay consistent. Nobody said it’s going to be a smooth ride, but it’s feasible. 

Most importantly, Don’t beat yourself up if you recline sometimes, just do well to bounce back. It’s okay to miss out some days but try to continue at it as soon as you can.


1. Do you think you need a habit change? 

2. What do you wish to achieve with that Habit? 

3. Have you reclined at some point in your journey to new habit formation

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GIVEAWAY: Word for Today

Rudiments: the most basic or essential facts of a particular subject, skill etc.

Do well to share your reaction in the comment section. Follow me for more of these write-up. I publish at least 3 Blogs weekly. 

Have a Blast! 

Phayvee Azuk

I love to motivate and educate people and lift them off their limitations especially if it is in their mind. I wish to do that with my write up. I publish at least three(3) blogs weekly, do well to stay connected for more.

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