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I’m Tired Of Life


Life is difficult, life is Unbearable, life sucks, I feel like taking my own life, what is this life about?” these are words on the lips of majority of people during a challenging time. I’m here to let you know you are not alone. So much of the time, we get taken aback by situations and things that seems to rip us of our peace and joy. Life is filled with hurdles, and the more we continue to play this game called life, the more we are tasked with more hurdles.


 Mr Zach was the Finance head of Galaxy Ltd in Arizona, He has an ailing mom that has leukemia and was on medication but progress seems to be slow. His mom was his only bit of hope since he divorced his wife of 6 years, Lucia. Lucia gained custody of the kids and got him to pay child support monthly. 
His mom came to live with him for a bit to help comfort him as he was all alone and needed a qualitative company in the person of his mom, but then few days later Zach’s mom fell seriously ill, was taken to the hospital and was told that the leukaemia has reached a debilitating stage, to that effect, she was given few weeks to live. This got Zach really frustrated. 
As though that wasn’t enough troubles to deal with, He being the financial analyst of ozone texture Ltd was erroneously accused of fraud by the external Auditors, all attempt to get him off that situation seemed abortive, yeah like we are all thinking, he was fired. 

Now Zach has to deal with his loneliness, joblessness and his sick mom that he doesn’t know how long she has left to live. He conceived the thought of suicide in his heart as he was drowning in pain Life sometimes hits us at times we don't expect. For a fact It's inevitable.

Like it's said that it's the different trials of life that makes the life journey less boring, but needless to state that some people are already eaten up in this journey of life. 

Some people have totally thrown in the towel, and called this life game, quits. Can we then say that the challenge of life kept their life less boring when they seem to be no more? Absolutely not. So this drives us to the discussion of how to cope during life's hit. with the hurdles of life prodding and hitting us from every corner, what do we wield as a shock absorber and protective mechanism against such trying times.

Talk To A Friend.

Do you have a confidant that you so pleasingly dote unleashing your challenge to? This time is going to be that great moment to make that person useful. Ensure he’s a trustworthy person that does not mind being hurled all of your deepest and painful secrets. 

Ensure to get close to that one person and let him know how you feel, he may not totally get you off that trial, but he could make it a whole lot less herculean to surmount. 

I could remember a certain time I failed a course I assiduously prepared for just because I didn’t check the time given for the paper, I was beyond irked and totally frustrated. I Didn’t think I could fail that course. I was nearly depressed but then I had a very good friend who walked me through that journey. I called him everyday and cried to him.

He watched me cry, He consoled me in even the most satisfying ways. He was beyond doubt extremely useful that period. Sometimes I wonder if I didn’t have him to help me through that challenge, how could I have possibly reacted to it?

 You just need that one reliable person that you wouldn’t mind falling over the cliff in front of, being confident that they would dive right after you to catch you. It could be parent, spouse, sibling, friend even colleague (was about to say pet, ouch! They don’t talk, but they sometimes do the job real well). Just do well to trust the person enough with your secret and trials. 

Sharing With A Community  

This is somewhat related to the point above, differs in that it’s more persons involved. The community may be people you share same beliefs and ideas with. Your group of friends, your church community, Etc, I know the idea of 'rehab' may come to mind as I’m leading you on to it. Yes! You’re right. It’s this community method that rehab deploys to help heal hurt. 

When you share your hurt with a number of people, you get to discover you’re not alone because your situation would melt out in the plethora of worst situations than yours. Not to say that the aim of this method is to find people passing through worse situations than yours so you could ride on eagles wings, Absolutely not! It’s just to state that when you are in a community of people that understand and totally love you, it seems somewhat like a safe haven to you.


There is no possible way the importance of this act would be over exhausted. Exercise we all know is very imperative for body building, good health et al, might I put it to you that Exercise is also very important for mindfulness. It totally Helps with dealing with tough time. According to the National institute of health, aerobic exercises and exercise in general, even as slight as less intense movement of the body, helps to alleviate depression and anxiety. There are various forms of exercise we can engage in for total alleviation of hurt. 

Some of them include. Jogging, skipping, sit-ups, boxing, crunches, etc. This seems to me like a double edged sword, in that you are keeping fit physically with exercise and it’s also helping you deal with stress and hurt. Have you discovered that after a good jog, there’s this calm and peace in your heart. You feel especially relaxed. That’s the exercise working it’s great magic in you.


You may ask, how do you meditate when you are troubled.? How do u really get yourself to still your heart from the noise that’s ravaging. Well it’s very feasible.

Let me put you through on that. Mindful meditation is in different phases, the first stage is all enshrouded with noise. Here it is a tasking effort to still those noise. It is the stage where all the work happens. 

when you have successfully passed this stage, you now have to maintain a level of stillness. This opens your heart to more intimacy with yourself as a being. When this act is practiced more often, you would discover an unusual peace and healing from your hurt.


Traveling is very refreshing and a great way to unwind. Sometimes the challenge we pass through seem to be territorialized. Some of us just need to leave the situation to gain more peace of mind. Yeah! That’s totally understandable.

If your budget allows, traveling would be a great way to let go of those hurt and heal faster. You can take a tour to a new place, city, or even country (maybe continent, or planet lol!) well anywhere you feel the need to travel to, to help you heal faster.

This is what traveling to a new place brings to you; it gives you fresh perspective, You get entertained and thrilled by seeing new things, meeting new people. Even the slightest things as trying new food, new tourist centre’s goes a long way to easing off your hurt.

 Do What You Love.

Everybody has a passion. Everyone has that thing that triggers them positively. Could it be painting, dancing, cooking, philanthropy, skiing,reading, golfing, now is the time to pay more attention to it. This act being something you especially love, would keep your mind more engaged. 


This seems to be a more extreme measure, this could be employed if other measures seems abortive. It involves meeting a professional in the situation you are struggling with to proffer a remedy through series of interrogations garnered to fully understand and help you through the trial. There are a whole lot of professional therapist available, look for one in your area and get that hurt handled professionally. 


Challenging times would always come, if not properly handled you could go about escalating the hurt and causing more pain. That’s why it’s vital to scout for ways to alleviate those hurt in a positive way. Though not easy, but if practiced continuously could give you the strength and perspective you need to scale through those challenge.

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1. Are you passing through some challenge at the moment?

2. What ways do you think could help you deal with such challenge.?

3. Is there any other way that helps you to deal with challenge and tough times that's not mentioned here.

Giveaway: New Word 

Derogatory: showing a critical attitude towards someone. Synonym: Insulting 

Do well to share your reaction in the comment section. Follow me for more of these write-up. I publish at least 3 Blogs weekly. 

Have a Blast!!

Phayvee Azuk

I love to motivate and educate people and lift them off their limitations especially if it is in their mind. I wish to do that with my write up. I publish at least three(3) blogs weekly, do well to stay connected for more.

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